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How do you see me?

Am I an image of His creative beauty

Am I a cultivated seed of love embedded in iniquity

Am I a passion of lust dripped from her femininity

Am I speared by his explosion of masculinity

Am I nurtured with their love of parenting

Am I infused with my own history

Am I educated to the system of reality

Am I marred by the dirty lens of society

Am I hated for my black woman sexuality

Am I?

I am

I am who I be

I am who He made me

I am His identity

I am created in His imagery

I am scarred from iniquity

I am cleansed by His blood’s purity

I am bludgeoned by society

I am a soldier in His army

I am a breath of history

I am living freely

I am me

I am

Peace and many Blessings,

La Royce